Michael DelSapio
Joined: Apr 3, 2018
I am currently an undergraduate student enrolled in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst as a Sport Management and Marketing double major. In addition to writing, I enjoy traveling, sports, and volunteering. I have traveled to a wide variety of US states that have offered special experiences to shape my life and writing. Born and raised in Massachusetts, I have developed a strong connection to the city of Boston, and my fandom stretches to all professional sports teams in the New England area. Many of my fondest memories from my childhood were venturing into Boston with my father to watch Red Sox and Bruins games. Growing up, my favorite sports to play were hockey, baseball, and golf. However, more recently, the emergence of soccer has grabbed my interest, and I have discovered a strong loyalty to Manchester United. Many of my hours outside of high school and college were spent in soup kitchens, senior living communities, and elementary schools. Oftentimes, I was accompanied by some of my closest friends, which made for great bonding experiences, which made the work even more fulfilling.