This will make Manchester United fans love Bruno Fernandes even more


Manchester United’s new signing has taken to life at Old Traffod with ease and has quickly established himself as a cult favourite amongst the fans.

Heroes are not often made. They are born. There is a sense of indelibleness about them. They are rarely forgotten. Their fate seems like destiny. Manchester United have had a fair share of heroes in the past, from Bobby Charlton, George Best, Eric Cantona and Cristiano Ronaldo, the Red Devils have been blessed with players who possess an innate ability.

Bruno Fernandes only arrived at Old Trafford in late January. He has been at the club for a little over a month, but already his place at United’s starting eleven seems unyielding and he is showing traits of a hero.

In a short space of time, the Portuguese midfielder has become the linchpin of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer‘s side.

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Bruno Fernandes has transformed the Red Devils.

His creativity has given a new life to the way United play and it has reaped a whole array of rewards.

Contrast the bleak way football was viewed at Old Trafford at the start of January to how the Red Devils faithful view the prospects of the team now and there has been a significant change.

United have a newfound belief and Old Trafford seems to be buzzing again. Much of this can be attributed to the Bruno Fernandes effect.

And on Sunday, the Portuguese midfielder played a crucial part in helping to dismantle Pep Guardiola‘s Manchester City side in the derby.

Fernandes was a constant threat and his distribution conjured up vital opportunities for his teammates to penetrate the City defence.

But it wasn’t just his performance which could be proof of his hero status.

In the game against Manchester City Fernandes was pictured making a ‘shushing’ gesture towards Pep Guardiola via the Metro as the Spanish coach vented his frustration from the sidelines.

It was the perfect way to alleviate the tension of the game and demonstrate his confidence. Fernandes’ facetious side will make United fans love him even more and it is exactly the attitude the club needed.

For the first time in a while, United have a player who oozes quality and arrogance. He is a leader and if he continues in the same form he will be a hero at Old Trafford just like the aforementioned names.

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What do you think will Bruno Fernandes become United’s next hero?